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+33 624 489 561

We encourage every student of our Center to volunteer with one of the non-profit organisations we cooperate with during their time in Marrakesh. The areas you can get involved as a volunteer or intern include culture, health, education, social work and cooperative economy, and we constantly endeavour to expand the scope of activities we offer. As a volunteer, you can combine your language study with an enriching life experience, as you contribute to the Moroccan society in a meaningful way. This also gives you an opportunity for additional language practice !

If you opt to combine your studies with volunteering, you may be eligible for a scholarship from your university. This is quite common in the US and in Europe – check with your university for more details. Upon completion of your volunteering period or internship, we will gladly issue you a training certificate, highlighting your work and the skills you gained.

The organisations we work with are all recognized by the local authorities as institutions of genuine public utility. For instance, one of our key partners is Dar Bouidar: Les Enfants de l’Atlas, who provide home and education for abandoned children from the region of Marrakesh. You can hear more about them and our partnership in the video below.